Instagram: @_tonywillie
Tony Willie is an underground legend. His fearless approach to any obstacle in skateboarding is absolutely mesmerizing to watch. Leaving us in amazement and always thinking… What will he do next??!!?! Tony doesn’t look at the world like the rest of us do. Where some might see an innocent schoolyard roof, a crowded downtown bus stop, or insane gaps only thought possible in video games; Tony sees a playground. Fearlessly launching off the hugest gaps and ditches in the gnarliest of spots!! And the best part about it is that he does it all with style and finesse, much like Van Gogh working on a new masterpiece every week. When you see the final product he makes it look effortless, but when you see all the trials and tribulations that goes into every one of Willie’s masterpieces then you begin to realize that he puts his heart and soul into every trick and really lays it on the line week in and week out. We could not be happier to have Tony join the OG Labs family and we cant wait to see what comes next for him! Go give him a follow on Instagram if you aren’t already. It will be the best decision you made all week 😉